When parenting partners work in unison, it's possible to create a Unison Family that raises children to mature adulthood with high self-esteem and resiliency.
- Cecil Taylor
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"Wow! I am blown away by Cecil Taylor’s new book, Unison Parenting! I’ve read and studied plenty of parenting guides during my twenty years as a Children’s Ministry Director and Family Outreach Coordinator. But I’ve never come across a book like this one."
- Annette Marie Griffin, award-winning author and speaker
The Problem with Parenting
When we become parents, we tend to do one of two things - and both may be wrong paths.
We parent just like our parents did. This usually happens instinctively; our parents modeled this style for us, and we repeat it.
We parent in the opposite way of our parents. Scarred by our upbringing, we refute our parents' style and go to the other extreme - which also could produce negative results and scar our children.
Add to our own issue that our parenting partner(s) are doing the same thing. We wind up with a weird mishmash of parenting styles and influences that creates confusion and chaos for our children. Two or more families of origin are fighting it out in the same household.
No one told you how to optimally parent.
Into this dilemma steps Unison Parenting. First, you'll read about optimal parenting practices: proven strategies, supported by research that indicates the most favorable outcomes when looking across families. Unison Parenting leans on Cecil's leadership of parenting classes to 700 families in his church for 15 years and the feedback he received on his recommended techniques; on his 30 years in youth ministry, observing a wide variety of parenting styles and outcomes; and his own experience in raising three children, one of them adopted. Cecil supplements his own findings and resulting structure with research studies that pair with the teaching to prove that this stuff works.
Second, you'll learn how to resolve differences in parenting styles by creating a mutually agreed framework based on Unison Parenting principles. The framework starts with values and turns into policies that parents can execute consistently and efficiently.
Third, you'll see how such execution creates harmony between parenting partners and among all family members. Conflict reduces. Collaboration increases. Children flourish as they grow in the framework and grow in their decision-making. The end product is a grown-up child ready to go out into world and confidently make good decisions.
"Some books are read with mental note-taking. It’s the rare gem that inspires physical notes eagerly put into action without delay. This book is the latter."
- Kindra Silk Kreislers, author, speaker, and Children's Ministry Director, Memorial Presybterian Church, Midland, Michigan
Cecil and his collaborators are starting a free monthly newsletter in January that includes
parenting columns and updates on the world of Unison Parenting.
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Unison Parenting - The Book
"I wish I’d had access to some of the author’s practical tips — like the most effective time and place to talk to your teens — when I was raising my child!"
- Robin Russell, online book reviewer
"Cecil's book is a great resource for parents navigating the complexities of raising children in today's society. Right from page 1, he acknowledges the myriad of parenting partners that contribute to a child's upbringing, setting a tone of inclusivity and understanding."
- Michelle Brubaker, online book reviewer
Meet Cecil Taylor
Chicken Soup for the Soul and Guideposts author Cecil Taylor has written four books of his own, including Unison Parenting: The Comprehensive Guide to Navigating Christian Parenthood with One Voice.
Cecil is the founder of Cecil Taylor Ministries, whose mission is to teach Christians how to live a seven-day practical faith. Parenting is an extension of putting our faith into practice as we ask Christ to be at the center of our homes.
Cecil authors books and blogs and creates videos. He writes a biweekly parenting column for Inspiration.org. He is the host of the Practical Faith Academy podcast, found on major podcast platforms and hosted on Podbean.
With an extensive background in sports broadcasting and in business presentations, Cecil is an entertaining, informative speaker who leads Unison Parenting seminars and webinars. He taught parenting classes to 700 families in his church over 15 years.
"I can’t say enough great things about Cecil Taylor. A wonderful spiritual person, leader, teacher, mentor.”
- Maureen Downing, parenting class participant